You find an ad for a job or internship. Great, it is precisely THE opportunity you have been looking for! Then you send your CV and hope that the CV will meet all the criteria to pass to the next round. An email arrives from the company: you are an ideal candidate for this job/internship. We want to get to know you better and talk to you, so we invite you to an HR interview.

Your first thought may be: Great, I am even closer to getting the job I want, followed by: Oh no, a job interview!

We all Feel the Same Way

Most people had to go through that experience at least once in their life, and I also met those who had more than 100 interviews in one year until they got the job they wanted. We want to present ourselves as well as possible in a short time of usually 30–45 minutes, and what worries us the most is rejection or that someone does not like us.

Even though that worried me the most when looking for a job, I wanted to show how eager I was to do the job and how much I would try to learn, gain experience and do my best to be the best in that position.

Finding the Right Fit

For juniors and people without experience, it is an even more difficult challenge. You want to show that even though you have no experience, you will try to be a better candidate than those who do. Sometimes you will not succeed. There will be better candidates than you who fit more into a particular company’s culture; some will have knowledge that fully corresponds to what the company is looking for, but that should not worry you. You will find a company (thousands of you will) that will be the best match for you at that moment or perhaps an excellent springboard for something even better.

My Tips for Better Results

It was not that long ago when I went through that process, too, it was not easy for me either, and that is precisely why I want to give you some tips on how to prepare as well as possible for the internship interview with me:

  • Be punctual: arrive at the interview location 10–15 minutes early to show respect for the interviewer’s time. If the interview is online, check if your internet connection is strong enough and your camera is functional, so we do not waste time on such disturbances once the interview has commenced.
  • I know you have probably applied for internships in several places, but it would be great to show why you chose to apply with us and what attracted you to it. Prepare by reading up on NovaLite. You can find out a lot about us on our website and social networks, and you will leave a good impression if you know how to answer my questions.
  • I have not recently been in your position and am trying to make the interviewing process more relaxing. I do not ask tricky questions, I want to get to know you better, and it is also an excellent opportunity for you to ask me anything that interests you regarding the internship and NovaLite.
  • We will also talk a bit in English. I know that for most people, there is a problem when they need to speak in English, but there is usually no problem regarding their reading and comprehension skills. However, there are few opportunities to practice your speaking skills, even though you may experience anxiety, which can lead to extreme uneasiness. I advise speaking in English with a friend, girlfriend, or boyfriend for at least 30 minutes a day – about IT topics for the most part. So when you eventually speak, you will be more relaxed and confident, and it will sound much better. We are not looking for a native level of proficiency, but we need to know that if you are hired, you will be able to navigate business communication with clients and team members from abroad.
  • Practice answering standard questions in front of a mirror or with a friend. You may not get the exact questions you were preparing for, but you will have more confidence and less anxiety.
  • Last but not least, smile and be sincere. We want to know if you will fit into our culture, even though the internship lasts only three weeks, and if you perform well during the internship and see that you can be a future asset at NovaLite, we may offer you a job.

…and Trust Me

At the end of the interview, you will see that it is not as terrifying as it may seem. I try to make the whole process as relaxing as possible, make you laugh and reduce tension so that you feel less anxiety.

I am looking forward to meeting you!

Jelena Radojković

Jelena is an HR recruitment assistant who loves spending time with friends and family, especially during summer when she can hit the beach. She has a soft spot for animals and enjoys being around her furry friends. In her role, she prioritizes building strong relationships with her coworkers and she's always ready to offer help and support.